Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Entangled Minds: Extrasensory Experiences in Quantum Reality by Dean Radin, PhD (Paraview, 2006)

Why didn't I hear about this book sooner?  I've read about vampires, werewolves, the occult, paranormal, telepathy, shamanism, quantum physics, etc., for years and have only recently discovered Dean Radin.  Even when I read about the CIA's Stargate program, Radin's name didn't seem to be conveyed as very important.

Radin is schooled in electrical engineering and psychology.  He is vocal about breaking the taboo against Psi research amongst mainstream scientists.  As a bonafide researcher, his meta-analytical investigation of the long history of paranormal research is a vault of gold for psi-believers, experiencers and even sceptics who are open to positive experimental results that are statistically valid.  Even more, Radin was involved through the Stanford Research Institute via the CIA with psi research, ie. remote viewing. 

Entangled Minds is filled, pretty much cover to cover with examples of psi experiments and observations, sometimes by Nobel laureates and prominent scientists from many fields, that have been validated statistically and repeated.  Sometimes even by sceptics! 

One experiment that stands out for me has to do with Johrei (something like Reiki, an energy-healing practice) and astrocytes, cells that are apparently abundant in human brains.  Basically, the experimental astrocyte culture grew more than the control, apparently due to the energy healing

Other experiments include Ganzfeld results, Random Number Generator deviations and twin studies.  Some theories explored include Quantum Zeno Effect, something that my own readings have pointed to that I finally have a word for.  That there is a possible theory to go along with my own intuition that somehow consciousness precludes the organic structure of mind-ing is encouraging.  From what I understand, the Quantum Zeno Effect states that a quantum event will not decohere if attention remains upon the quantum event.  My mystical interpretation of this, I think, is in line with Castaneda's explanation of humanity's energy body becoming interpreted as what we consider our physical body.  In other words, we "forgot" that we were balls of energy and became "stuck" as physical beings.  In other words, we are a Quantum Zeno Effect, we are energy that has fixated attention into our current modality. 

Anyways, I'm excited and want to learn more about Quantum Physics and alternate theories of human being