There looks to be an abundance of research on the power of intent and all that that entails, including, but not limited to telepathy and psychokinesis. McTaggart is a journalist whose interest in what I agreeably consider "Psi" - phenomena that operate via intent, that are considered anomalous, and in the context of indigenous knowledge, are associated with shamanism (ie. sorcery). Really, these are inherent human abilities.
Some humans have and do excel in these abilities. Others can excel if they "power up" (to use McTaggart's words). Various types of meditation and prayer can be used to power up intent. Scientists have been discovering that intent (focused conscious awareness on the manifestation of a mind's eye potential?) affects physical reality.
Experiments with random number generators, water, plants, algae, healing and remote viewing have built a strong foundation for future research, as well as theory and application. As Dean Radin says, "subvert the dominant paradigm."
Not only does this book contain an amazing amount of research collated into a coherent reference resource, it contains the parameters and information necessary to participate in McTaggart's global intention experiment.
Go now! Strengthen your connecting link with Intent!