Thursday, September 16, 2010

UFOs: Generals, Pilots and Government Officials Go On the Record by Leslie Kean (Crown, 2010)

Click and go to Leslie Kean's Website
Okay.  So we (almost?) all agree that these things are real, but what are they and why the cover up?  I'm only about halfway through the book (its a library copy, and its due tomorrow), so I don't know if there are any bombshells in the second half, but so far it looks like everywhere around the world, there have been sightings and some even have good physical and corroborating evidence.

Visiting alien life is important for several reasons: 1) we are not alone 1b) intelligent life is not unique to earth 2) our technology is comparatively rudimentary 3) our global culture is likely comparatively violent and shortsighted.  If they were violent (despite what Dr. Stephen Hawking says), they haven't shown themselves to be.  If they are reclusive and evasive, but dare to "infiltrate" busy and secured sites (ie. airports and military bases) then perhaps their sights are set on some goal that we are either overlooking or otherwise oblivious to.

So, I would like to know more about propulsion systems (e.g. magnetoplasma?), and the role of "mind" in interstellar and/or interdimensional travel.  I'm referring here to the results of the USS Eldridge experiment.

What's out there, what's going on, and how can I find out more?