Monday, November 30, 2009

Racing Toward Armageddon: The Three Great Religions and the Plot to End the World by Michael Baigent (HarperOne, 2009)

Will Armageddon, the apocalyptic end to the world, be a self-fulfilling prophecy?  Michael Baigent says it might be so if religious and political leaders (with fundamentalist leanings) drive their God-fearing agendas into the heads of their holy-warriors.

Baigent, too, makes a good point when American Conservatives have a deep history of Christian fundamentalism.  The point is made clearer when he talks about Mahmoud Amadinajad Islamic fundamentalism.  And, of course, the fight for Jerusalem by the three major religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam, has been a source of conflict for generations.

What Baigent suggests is a new mythology for believers to follow.  Each religion cannot be "the only" religion, each worshipped God cannot be "the only" God, and within each religion the factions have to look at the path of spirituality, not the oppression of the masses through odd-interpretations of scripture. 

It is through "spiritual oneness" that God is approached, not through bloody crusades and attempts at bringing "the messiah" to Earth.

Experiential mysticism is needed, not mystification and machine guns.

An interesting bit of trivia I came across while researching Baigent a bit on the internet comes from this site:

I didn't know Baigent took Dan Brown to court about misappropriated intellectual property!