Wednesday, October 7, 2009
2012: the Return of Quetzalcoatl by Daniel Pinchbeck (Tarcher, 2006)
This is a great book. Pinchbeck began his literary career covering the parties of celebrities. After an iboga ceremony with an African shaman, however, his concept of reality transformed from nihilistic (mostly) to reformationist. Pinchbeck is definitely a spirit-traveler. His journey took him to England to investigate crop circles, to Hawaii and to the American Southwest to participate in alternative/new age/transcendent ceremonies.
The research done for this book is convincing and apt: from the Army Research Institute's 1985 conclusion that PSI doesn't need to be researched for its possibility, but rather for its uses, to the mention of the Montauk Project (a government experiment on PSI), 2012 has a lot of information to devour for both the conspiracy/alternate reality neophyte and the old-pro.
I recommend this one to anyone interested in PSI, shamanism, global consciousness ascension, Mayan prophecy, entheogens, etc. One of my favourites!
Check out his blog.